When I first heard story around 2012/2013 from a friend there’s angler from US came down to Rompin, Pahang Malaysia and managed to land a sail fish using 6lbs line. I said what…??? Seriously? Wowwwww… That’s crazy.
I was quite attracted to the story and started researching the legitimacy whether it can be done. The more I spent time researching the more absurd evidences I found and it’s slowly changes my perception. Deep inside I started to get some weird but exciting feeling to make it a challenge and a reality. Since early 2009 catching big fish using ultralight setup has been one of the ways I used to encourage new anglers to try on ultralight game because I believe only through controversy they will dare to try and understand the real ultralight game. However, I always remind them ultralight fishing is not meant for big fish.
Sail fish on ultralight; it’s making me excited and I started to train myself doing all kind of crazy things as part of preparation. Over the period I managed to land many species like Giant Snakehead, GT and many others over weight species like Pangasius and Red Tail, fierce species like Pacu and all kind of snakeheads which many say impossible to land all these fish using ultralight setup. Went through lots of obstacles and spent lots of money for the sake of challenging and gaining knowledge through experience. Not an easy task but nothing is impossible. Confidence and knowledge is increasing from time to time and make me more relaxed in handling monster-sized fish.
You might be wondering why I took few years before trying it because it’s just matter of doing it.
Honestly, it’s not because of landing the fish but its more on saving the fish in a proper way since I prefer to catch and release them safely. I know the fight will be long and it will put so much stress on the fish so learning proper catch and release is a must. The pride is not important. The satisfaction come from releasing it safely so I just got to train myself landing the fish ASAP and learn doing proper Catch and Release (C&R) on every fish I caught. That’s the main reason I took time before going for sail fish.
First Trip – Failed
I made the first attempt last year (2016) but failed because too many people/boats crossing lines with other anglers and line snap almost every strike. Although my line got tangled and breaks within seconds during the fight but I gained some kind of “message” and experience. Lots of obstacles; the weather is not on our side; cloudy, fish aren’t active and they seem spooked. We didn’t manage to catch any fish after that. The few seconds gave me some confident and somehow I felt “it can be done”. Immediately after we got back from the trip we booked another trip for 2017 season.
Second Trip – Success But Not Satisfied
One year has passed and I made all the necessary preparations for the sail fish with ultralight setup. On the day (10/09/2017) we headed for the blue waters of Rompin, Pahang with Skipper Mat Ketum and Abang Mad. My team from MK Brigade Abang Amir, Md Zam, Safwan Asri, Mohd Qamarul and 2 other new friends getting ready for the battle.
There are many ways to catch Sail fish. We can use jigs and other common hard lures like poppers and pencils. But fastest is their favorite Sardines (Fringescale Sardinella) and Yellowtail Scad. So, we need these fish as their bait, the best actually.
Again, the weather was rather dull and we waited for hours but Sail fish doesn’t show any interest to take the bait. I took out 2 of my ultralight setup with one is my soon to be released ultralight rod – Sailang combined it with Quantum Smoke 10 reel and 4lbs line and the other set is my micro jigging rod (3-6lbs) with Shimano reel.
Suddenly, the silence is broken with a massive screeching reel sound but not even 15 seconds the leader breaks. Kind of disappointed but my confident is getting stronger and my heart keep saying “it can be done”.
I returned to the back and Abang Amir gave me another setup which he already cast it with a bait fish. As soon as I hold the rod the reel started to scream again and the line keep bursting out like water from the spool. I let it run for around 15-20 seconds then snap (with loosen drag force) it to make a hook. There you go the fish started to dance on the water and I’m amazed seeing this beautiful fish showing his ability dancing left and right. Beautiful scene. Amazing experience.
After long an hours plus of struggling/misery, went-thru lots of pain somehow I managed to land the sail fish. We took all the measurements and safely released the fish without any injuries.
My body and fingers all swollen due to the fight but I am really happy finally managed to land the world’s fastest fish with an ultralight setup. All the pain just disappeared.
After we got back from the trip I took out all the videos, photos and quite disappointed as mostly not properly taken. To make it worst all did not meet IGFA’s requirements. And I plan for repeat mission.
Planning For Repeat Mission
I started to make a booking but none of the weekend dates are available so I push the fishing trip to weekdays. The reason is I hope there won’t be too many boats on weekdays. Gave calls to few friends and the trip is on. This time the trip joins by all ultralight game enthusiast; Ibnu Rasyid, Alan Kajang, Hairz Zer, Norzaini Zack and Hakim.
We use the same skipper because he knew what we are doing and he got the right experience to make sure the fish is safely release.
The day before the trip we made some rehearsal (giving assignments) so this time we can capture some good photos and videos that can be used for IGFA’s.
Third Trip – Success
On 5/10/2017, we took early breakfast and headed straight to open sea to find some bait fish. The skipper told us that the sail fish went further to Berhala Island from common spots so he asked us to take some rest.
The boat reached the spot an hour later. The weather is really good, lots of bait fish and the best thing is we can see hundreds of sail fish swimming and playing around with bait fish. THEY ARE ACTIVE. It’s an amazing experience.
No more waiting; its time to execute all plans. We took rods and start to cast out bait fish. Within few minutes Zack got the first strike and few minutes later mine got a strike and there you go. The speed of sail fish is crazy; mouth-watering. But I got no time to be amazed. It’s time to focus, be mentally strong and keep the mind positive because it will be a long journey; I already started to feel all the pain and misery. Regret was there but I got no other choice to pursue self-challenge mission.
Setup used:
Rod: Prototype Kanicen Nix – Sailang
Mainline: 4lbs line
Reel: Quantum Smoke 10
Leader: 22lb Prototype Burn International
Fish: Sail Fish / Layaran
Umpan/Bait: Tamban & Selar – Fringescale Sardinella & Yellowstripe Scad
The rest you can watch this video:
Why Sail Fish; The Real Reason
All this is for the world record attempt. World record for sail fish is 64kg on 4lbs and 50kg on 2lbs. After struggling for 1 hour and 40 minutes and gone through all the pain, the weight of the fish I caught is only 25kg. It was a long way off the target size.
After returning from the trip we visited Mr. Chris (IGFA Representative in Malaysia) where he himself has been fishing sail fish since 80’s and we learned that Indo Pacific Sail fish is nothing like the Atlantic Sail fish. Our sail fish sizes only range from 30-40kg and majorities only at dozen kilos. So, if you plan to go for world record better think twice :).
Experience & Tips
World record or not most important I landed it and got all the necessary experiences that I can share with you guys. First, you need to understand ultralight game is not for the monsters but if you plan to try; make sure to be ready for all the risks. I took the risk because that’s how I inspire others and that’s how I gain knowledge which I can use to educate others.
All the tips below I hope able to give you some idea and inspiration which you can use on your daily fishing activities. And remember; we got our own fishing style, skills, situation, experience and all these affecting the whole process.
1. Open Sea
The sea is wide open so patience is the key to success. Do not rush to prove yourself or rushing to defeat the fish. Remember, you are using ultralight setup not heavy game setup so keep your mind on the right track. We are not aiming for bottom fish to be worried about corals, etc.
2. First Run
The Game is On if see your fishing line bursting out from the spool and you need to give time around 15-20 seconds before making a strike. The first run is usually 100m (+-) easily within few seconds. Make sure your drag is at minimum strength (approximate 20-30% maximum) because when using ultralight setups there are no such thing snap hard like heavy game. Be ready for the best moments. Prepare your camera to capture photo or record a video. When you make a strike normally the sail fish will jump and start to dance on the water. Now, I know why others called them “the dancing fish”. Shoot the moment as much as possible because not always we will get this kind of experience.
3. Drag Force
Make sure the drag force setting is perfect. Not too strong as this is the key to preventing the line from breaking. The run could impact the line if you tighten the reel drag too strong. Normally bait fish used will be swallowed. You need to be patient and the running speed from the sail fish with the appropriate drag force will assist you in making proper hook up. So, there is no need to worry whether it is a solid hook up or not just be patient and focus. The drag measurement you should set is around 20-30% maximum. The more your fishing line comes out from the spool the stronger your drag force going to be so make sure to adjust it properly based on your experience. The further it goes the greater friction you will get and this will burden your line. You need to understand the rules of thumb for drag setting. If you don’t understand the drag systems please make sure to read the article below:
How To Measure Your Reel Drag Setting For Ultralight Fishing?
4. Understand Your Ultralight Rod
The main cause of broken rods is due to self-error as almost 97% of broken cases are due to “handling” by anglers.
So, when using ultralight rod the main conditions are no forcing, no sudden snap and no lifting. Ultralight rod is NOT made for these purposes. If you insist, make sure you have the experience and understand all the basic things with the used setup. When the fish push you just let it push and you keep focus on maintaining the position. When it stop start to retrieve the line without putting any force.
5. Drag Game
Once the fish started to slow down (does not mean the fish not strong anymore) and stopped being aggressive start by tighten your drag a bit and retrieve the line slowly. This is the time where you and the fish forcing/fighting each other. A painful process when the line keeps flowing out because of the fish too heavy. So, keep roll-in the line without stopping and without forcing too much. It’s like knocking the fish head to the direction you want it to follow. The reason of doing this is because you need to make the fish tired so by knocking the fish head turns to you is one of the way. You need to be strong. If you don’t have the strength and endurance believe me you will lose because the line will keep flowing out as if there’s no end to it but this is the only way to make the fish exhausted.
6. Making Things Easier
The fighting of sail fish will be easier if the boat follow the fish. This is what we did so that the process of rolling in the line becomes less-burden. It’s still painful at this time. My body cramped, hand sore and focus began to drop because the fight period is really painful. This process of persuading the fish to give up can take from 45 minutes to over an hour. Mental strength is very important.
7. Second Run
Be ready for the second run or several runs if the fish never had been caught before. Usually, the first 30-45 minutes it will keep pressing and you have to focus in making sure the drag tension is at good setting. The fish will start to relax after that and approaching the boat; not to surrender but to relax and gaining energy back.
Sail fish will keep running away whenever they’ve gained the energy back so hold on. don’t be too excited and don’t do mistake by adjusting the drag tension or trying luck to push the fish to give up. Do ONLY when you are really sure the fish is giving up. If it’s run away, start all over again. Be patient.
8. Unexpected Problem
Expect the unexpected.
An hour has passed and at this time if you are using low-end reel which are not meant for high pressure game be ready to expect the unexpected. I use Quantum Smoke 10 reel that has a maximum of 3kg force which I initially was very confident since I have maintained this reel properly.
I never thought this reel will give me a problem. The handle started to have on/off friction and stuck few times. Imagine an hour plus after struggling with the fight then suddenly this issue… Damn…
I feel the reel is getting hotter and that could be the main reason. I made some quick decision to release (loosen) the handle temporarily and tighten it back. Pour some water on it as well. It turns out that the decision I made is correct. Although the reel back to normal, I can feel the reel is a bit shaking and the retrieving movement is not like earlier. Feel like the handle shaft may have some issue. I keep praying hoping nothing will happen.
9. Back to Basis
Always remember the basis.
When the fish begins to show signs of giving up (you can feel when retrieving) and become weak; this is right time you can tighten-up the drag bit by bit. VERY IMPORTANT. Don’t get over-excited and don’t think you’ve won. Keep your focus intact and avoid making stupid decision/action. Patience will help you stays focus, alert on the situation and always remember your setup capabilities. Just hold on to the fish as long as you can and endure the pain you are currently experiencing. It will soon end.
10. The Last Fight
Toughest Task.
The last fight is the toughest process in fighting the sail fish. When the fish began to weaken and getting closer to the boat it will feel anxious and start pressing down.
Using UL setup there is no such things as pumping/lifting the fish like heavy game rod; so, be patience, your endurance and previous experiences will help a great assistance.
Again, this will test your knowledge and your experience which will be the key factors in successfully landing the fish. The key factors to these is:
1. To what extent you understand your rod and the line you use;
2. To what extend you understand your reel drag system;
3. To what extend you believe in your knot strength;
4. To what extend you can “FEEL” every sound in the setup you use;
5. To what extent you can “HEAR” and understand everything about your setup.
In the video you will be able to see some scenes where I force to lift the fish by doing some creepy rod bending but please note my drag is not tight and I understand clearly what I am doing. I already knew the fish is giving up and my target is to bring the fish head on the surface. It will give up fast because it can’t breathe in the usual way especially after a tiring fight.
11. Understand Your Game
When the fish starts giving up make sure you are ready to do the most important process before releasing it (Catch and Release) that is RECOVERY. Do not rush to bring the fish into the boat because at this point the fish is definitely too tired and bringing it straight on the boat is not the right decision. BE PATIENT.
Let the fish in the water until it gain the energy and strong again. Let it breathe. We took around 15 minutes and when the skipper gave green light we lift the fish for measurements and photo shooting session. Each session we only take around 5-8 seconds max and put it back in the water for few minutes so that it can breathe again.
Ultralight is a game of endurance and is game see who get tired first. So, understand your game and understand what you need to do after successfully landing the fish. Good at fishing but not knowing the right method to keep fish safe if you choose to release it is NOT a good combination.
We safely released the sail fish but of course with the knowledge of our skipper. We’ve learned so much from him.
12. Good Preparation
To succeed you need to be well prepared with a good attitude, knowledge, experience and also some training that will assist you in the game. You need proper rod, good condition reel, new line, good fluorocarbon leader and good quality terminal tackles like a good circle hooks.
I would recommend you to bring additional setup as backup so that you don’t waste time when anything happen to the setup you use. You also need to make sure you have enough line in the reel; would say at least 300 yards (around 274 meter). The reason simply because this sail fish can really run up to 150 meters easily, within few seconds.
13. Support and Understanding
Using ultralight to hunt for big fish like sail fish is not the way to be honest unless you are doing it for personal challenge or world record because it will take lots of time. You need friends who understand what you are doing here. Not every angler will understand the amount of time they have to wait before their turns. There are possibility they won’t get the chance too (which happened to me last year 2016) like sudden change of weather or fish aren’t biting the baits.
I was lucky enough to have some good friends you understand the reasons I’m doing all these. And even better they give you the opportunity and don’t really care what could happen to them next. Last year I don’t get the chance and I’m okay with it. This year (2017) they allowed me to go first and I’m glad things happen this way. This we called buddy; bond that hard to find – brotherhood anglers.
Continuous support during these entire process also very important because it can at least release you from some pain and misery. It’s not easy to fight the fastest fish on earth. You got to be mentally strong and physically fit. One small mistake can breaks your line or even your rod. Moral support always keeps you moving from doing unnecessary errors and keep you focus on the mission.
TEAM WORK is important.
14. Courage
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits. After 1 hour 40 minutes finally I landed this beautiful sail fish.
No one know that sometimes we are being watched by angels. When we think our good efforts are left unnoticed. Think again. Is that true…
Its not about religion. Its not about race. Nor is the color of your skin. ACTION its defining who you are. Its ACTION that speak louder than words.
There’s thing you will not understand in this planet until you do so. It happened to me and it will happen to you if you do what is right.
Be courage.
Proved 3 Important Things
1. Self Challenge
Get this straight. What I did is simply to challenge myself and if it’s can inspire others it would be great achievement. I always like to do things that others said cannot be done. I believe in God and I believe in efforts. When these 2 things met the success is always within the reach. YOU can do it too no matter who you are. Just believe and do it.
2. Small Drag Power
To be honest, in this part of the world (South East Asia) especially they lack of experience, they are not exposed and they never believe human can do wonders. The reasons are because we are living in the very young cultured country with lack of knowledge, maturity and they’ve been accepting the way of life as it is.
Reel drag is a never-end issue like catch and release. The arguments can never finish. Only those who really understand the reasons behind it will accept and enjoy the game for greater satisfaction. I proved doubters with 3kg drag power I still managed to land the fastest fish on earth; Sail fish. All you need is experience, knowledge, skills and “HEART”.
Don’t brag you are an ultralight fishing enthusiast if you don’t understand what is balance and matching. Don’t brag if you are too afraid losing to a 2 finger size fish.
The art of ultralight fishing is to understand the how balance and matching will improve your ability as an angler and enjoy to the fullest satisfaction.
3. Ultralight Kills Fish
Many inexperience / immature anglers will say that ultralight fishing is “killing fish” because they fight too long. This is totally wrong and pointless argument. Ultralight fishing is a game of making fish tired. Ultralight game doesn’t snap like mad, ultralight game doesn’t force like mad and ultralight game doesn’t break fish jaw by putting too much force during a fight.
I proved everyone not once but twice managed to land sail fish. Before sail fish I’ve landed other freshwater fish like Giant Snakehead, Pacu, over-weight fish like Pangasius, Amazon Red Tail, Chao Phraya Catfish, etc. not once but many times. Not to say other saltwater species like giant trevally, diamond trevally, grouper, barramundi and many others.
Then why fish died? It’s simply because many do not know the right way to practice catch and release; the RECOVERY process. Nobody really understands when it comes to CNR process. Nobody really pay attention and learn the right methods. NOBODY REALLY CARE. Only talk CNR but never spend time to learn.
We MUST learn. We MUST explore. And we MUST practice the right method every time we plan to release the fish. This got to become our habits then only everything will change. Stop pointing to others and change your way of releasing the fish first. This is never end process because different species we need to use different method. So, dont stop learning.
Other Catches
This sail fish trip is for us to enjoy. Other than doing world record I’ve shown new friends live experience how I managed to land the fish. Even our Skipper appreciates what we have done to prove what ultralight sport is all about.
Some may have doubts earlier but all that disappeared, all questions answered once I landed the fish. There is no giving up and there is no surrender. We all really work hard as a team to make sure we land this fastest fish in the world; sail fish.
Although other friends used heavy game setup but they definitely felt the sail fish strength and what the fish can do once there’s strong impact/resistance when got hooked up. They saw the difference between ultralight game and heavy game setup. Ultralight setup able to tame the fish without putting too much force but fight longer. While heavy game setup the fish is giving strong resistance and this make the angler force the fish to give up. The fish swim even further than ultralight setup because of the resistance (from hard rod, strong line, and higher drag force). But this is fun side of heavy game. It’s all about fighting the sail fish real power.
This sail fish trip has opened up few of our friend’s eyes on ultralight game capabilities. They also understand the difference between ultralight setup and heavy game setup when it comes to big fish. Their perception of catching big fish with ultralight gears has changed because of the knowledge they gained during the process. We certainly acquired lots of knowledge that unlikely to be found elsewhere. All these knowledge we then share with you guys out there as part of education. There’s no end to learning.
Live Experience Testimonies
Hairz Zer
Pertama kali dalam sejarah 34 tahun hidup aku tgk sendiri depan mata mcmane org boleh tarik layaran dgn tali 4lb rod halus gile. Kerja gila mmg tak masuk akal. Luar biasa. Super extreme. Selama ni aku igt mancing ni hobi je. Bila duduk ngan kanicen baru faham ada perjuangan. Ada matlamat. Ada hala tuju. Nak bawak nama malaysia ke persada dunia mancing ke seluruh pelusuk bumi. Menyediakan platform buat generasi akan dtg anak2 melibatkan diri dgn sukan memancing yg lebih beretika dan sihat. Mewujudkan satu komuniti sihat dan positif berkongsi ilmu, belajar dan mengajar, kerjasama.
Dengan uL ni la aku belajar matching and balancing. Baru tau nak baca rod dgn kesesuaian tali, action, game. Dgn uL baru tau kategori game dari UL smpi heavy game. Baru tau mcmane nak cari reel yg sesuai dgn game dan drag. Takde la mancing puyu pakai tali 50lb kan. hahaha…
Dgn adanya platform UL ni la ramai dikalangan pemancing sebenarnya mula belajar nak sesuaikan rod reel dan tali.
Aku join trip uL layaran sbb kanicen. Sbb aku tau aku akan belajar sesuatu. Bukan poyo nak tunjuk sape terer. Bila duduk dgn org yg ada sikap mendidik ni lain. Dia tak sibuk nak bgtau org dialah yg paling terer mancing.
Dari kecik lg klu dah jiwa mancing ni mmg tipu la tak simpan impian nak dpt lesen besar kan. tak sangka aku boleh tarik layaran dgn ilmu tunjuk ajar posisi mcmne nak handle rod, mcmne nak handle drag. Apa yg patut buat bila layaran lari, bila dia lompat, bila dia dah penat.
Aku yakin sgt2 Allah akan tunjuk aku jalan belajar dgn org yg paling sesuai dan layak. Kanicen la orgnya.
Trip layaran lebih kepada dengar cakap, ikut arahan, patuh pemimpin, kerjasama, kekuatan teamwork, positif, tak guna kepala otak sendiri, input dan paling best dpt mancing ngan kanicen.
Kesimpulannya, bila kita taat pemimpin dlm dunia mancing ni, lebih dari layaran pun bole tarik jgnkan set 2-6 malahan set-set lain.
Sebab kepercayaan yg terbentuk bukan pasal kita terer tp pasal taatnya kita pada tunjuk ajar dan kepercayaan org yg layak dan sepatutnya.
Jadi kenapa aku masih bersama kanicen? Kerana aku nak bersama dalam memperjuang dan merialisasikan matlamat visi dan misi kanicen nix membawa dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia ke persada dunia dgn platform yg sgt2 luar biasa dlm dunia mancing, ultralight fishing 🙂 🙂
Hidup kanicen 🙂
RJ Singam
A failed success- my story of an epic trip
I got a call from Kanicen asking me if I wanted to come along for a fishing trip, and the target, the majestic beautiful sailfish. I jumped on the opportunity immediately and one day later we were on our way to the small town of Rompin. Fast forward to the day of fishing. We set out early in the morning and after a hearty breakfast of “nasi dagang” we got onboard the boat and headed out to sea in search of the lightning fast and acrobatic sailfish. The target for the day, land one sailfish using an ultralight set-up. More specifically, using the new sailang 2-6 lb rod. To be completely honest, I was a bit sceptical and curious to see whether or not it was possible. 1 hour into the trip, after numerous attempts of getting the sailfish to bite, we finally had a fish on and there was no mistaking the signature scream of the reel. We were sure it was a sailfish at the end of the line and the fish later confirmed it by jumping clearly out of the water and hypnotising us with its beautiful dance mid air.
Armed with a sensitive but robust rod, Kanicen started showing his patience and master class skills in reeling in the beast at the end of his line. I was in shock and awe watching how slowly but surely, Kanicen was bringing the fish in using an ultralight set up. A good hour and a half later, the fish was finally landed. The fish was beautiful. I remember all of us were scampering around getting pictures and measurements for an attempt at the world record of landing a sailfish using an ultralight set up. As soon as were done, we revived the fish and set it free to fight once again. From this trip, I learnt that:
1. Using an ultralight set up, it is possible to land a sail fish. However, if you cannot withstand 1 and a half hours of torture, do not try it.
2. Despite fighting the fish for that long, if you practice the correct techniques, the fish will survive.And last but not least, why did I say this trip was a failed success? We failed in setting the world record, but we were successful in proving that it was very much possible to land a beast of such proportion on an ultralight rod. We were successful if proving that the Sailang is of excellent quality. Lastly we were also successful in proving to the ultralight community that nothing is impossible.
Muhdameer Limat (Abg Amir)
Pertama kali mengikuti trip layaran di rompin dengan ada nya tester-tester dan masta-masta ultralight yang hebat terdetik dihati ingin membelajari teknik-teknik dan skil0skil pengunaan set-set ringan/ul. Dapat belajar dari segi pengunaan reel, tali dan rod yang mampu bertahan dari bebanan ikan yang besar.
Ajakan sifu UL tuk brmain ikan besar dengan set UL membuatkan saya tak keruan. Apabila saat yang ditunggu umpan di ragut ikan.. Salah satu joran UL ditarik ikan dari situ saya dapat belajar bagai mana kendali kan set UL melawan ikan bersaiz xl. Dan salah satu yang saya tak bole lupakan semangat kawan-kawan memberi sokongan.
Dari mula ikan strike smpi ikan dapat di tumpaskan dari situ saya dapat belajar cara-cara mengunakan set UL. Byk ilmu yang saya dapat. Kesabaran tolong menolong antara pemancing tekong dan awak-awak yang membuatkan kejayaan mendaratkan ikan bersaiz xl.
Feedback at Facebook
You can watch our video at Facebook and read all positive comments we’ve received here:
Here’s some of the feedback received:
Final Words
Facts: Ultralight setup is not built for the big fish. If you insist be ready for the risks. The real ultralight game is when you use the setup for the intended fish size/target. Then only you will feel the REAL vibration.
Ultralight setup is not made for heavy game style so don’t over force if you wish to use it for big fish. Be patient and focus on every small thing as this will determine your success of landing it. To get this done properly you need experience with various species and fishing spots that will guide you into understanding your rods, lines, drag force and everything that can cause failures.
This article was written with the intention to share my experience and tips that can be used everywhere. What we did here is meant for personal challenge and education purposes. Nothing else matters. We deliberately disturb your mind and your comforts either at home or at office. This is how we encourage others to try ultralight game.
Personally, I did this because I wanted to experience different challenges and my nature always liked to do something beyond expectation. And through this experience I can give you INSPIRATION to go over your comfort zone and try something more challenging.
Certainly my best trophy and may be my unforgettable experience. When there’s heart to try there’s always way to find success.
Fishing is a test of character – Kanicen Nix
All information given is based on best efforts to express our opinions and knowledge that has been acquired. Paragraph or inappropriate words may have been used and it is out of control because we have tried most wisely. If you have suggestions, please comment. We will make changes.

Hey guys! You can call me Kanicen and I’m a nature lover. I spend most of my time outdoor with fishing. I have to admit that I am not an expert but I will do my best to share with you interesting stuffs I know. I love ultralight game which means I live to challenge myself with UNREALISTIC LOGIC for satisfaction.
A very well written article. I felt like I’m was there with you guys. It’s really gave me information related to UL setup. Thank you for sharing the knowledge and the beautiful experienced.
thanks for the support 🙂
Where can i buy your rod?
Please contact us at our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kanicennixmalaysia/
thank you