Fishing trip to Pari Island, Indonesia recently have opened our eyes with various sea species we never come across. Among them is Floral Wrasse that we will cover as one of the new species in the list of fish which we’ve caught.
Floral Wrasse or Latin name Cheilinus chlorourus – (Bloch, 1791) is from family Labridae – Cheilinus. Other names of these fishes commonly called are White-dotted Maori wrasse, Floral wrasse, Floral maori wrasse, Redspotted maori wrasse, Tripletail Wrasse.
In Malaysia, locally it’s also called as Mameng Bintik Kuning, Tetarap, Bayan, Longkowit, Lampet.
And this species can be found at East Indian Ocean, West Indian Ocean, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, and Central/West Pacific.
The maturity of this fish is about 45.0cm (17.7 “) with a very aggressive attitude towards other fish. The main foods are small prawns, sea snails and crabs and all the food can be found close to the coral. This fish is said to be dangerous for most other small fish because it will attack and eat it as main food supply.
This fish has weird attitude. It likes to rearrange the rocks and sands near the location it inhabits. It ensures the stone is securely placed on a layer between the stones so it won’t drop.
What this fish needs is a huge space for it to swim. The space it needs does not fit the body size and it’s very territorial.
What is interesting about this fish is that it can change its sex from female to male. When males are required, the females will change sex to male and take on their role.
The fish favorite habitat is under reefs or rocks. That’s why it’s very hard to find because it will hide where it feels threats. When it calm it will start to sneak and attacks if any other unknown things enters into its area.
While in Pari Island, Indonesia this species is one of the quickest attacking our soft baits. We this species is quickly escaped to hide when we approached around the territorial/residential area but when our bait went through the area it was hiding this fish would still strike. We can concluded that this fish is won’t hesitate to attack if any other alien things or objects enter their area. No matter what color soft bait we use it will never shy to attack aggressively.
This fish species are always seen in the aquarium reef, as these species are interesting and useful in combating various unwanted invertebrates such as flat worms, pyramid snails. These fish live from all zooplankton to large crustaceans, sea urchins and so on.
The needs and behaviors of Wrasses are very different, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with specific species before you decide to buy them for the purpose of keeping them in the aquarium.
If you feel that there should be some more information please comment below. We will fix if the info not accurate and add if it’s less. Thanks to Mohd Zambri Mohd’s Facebook friend and Spino and Raptos Instagram friend for helping to recognize this fish.
Info is also taken from these sources:
All information given is based on a best efforts to express our opinions and knowledge that has been acquired. Paragraph or inappropriate words may have been used and it is out of control because we have tried most wisely. If you have suggestions, please comment. We will make changes.

Hey guys! You can call me Kanicen and I’m a nature lover. I spend most of my time outdoor with fishing. I have to admit that I am not an expert but I will do my best to share with you interesting stuffs I know. I love ultralight game which means I live to challenge myself with UNREALISTIC LOGIC for satisfaction.